Thai Kids Delight in Philippine “Banana Stories”

The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok participated in an “edutainment” event organized by the Thai Ministry of Culture in celebration of Thai Children’s Day, under the theme “Banana Stories in ASEAN” held on 14 January 2017 at the ASEAN Cultural Centre (ACC), Bangkok. The event aimed mainly to entertain the children and other visitors, but at the same time strategically educate them about the ASEAN Member States (AMS). The activities revolved around “banana plant” which the organizers believe to be an integral element among Southeast Asian cultures. All ASEAN Embassies were invited to participate in the activities, such as workshops in making toys and crafts from banana plants, exhibits of products from banana plant, story-telling about bananas and educational games about ASEAN.

About 200 visitors came to the venue to join in the celebration and also to tour the ASEAN Cultural Center. The Embassy was represented by its Cultural Attaché, Mrs. Edith Mallillin.

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The plate (above left) contains a computer chip that when scanned and read by the tv screen for ASEAN Dishes, will show information on the famous dish of the ASEAN Member State identified by the flag on the plate.  A Thai boy picks up a plate with Philippine flag and holds it up to the screen. The picture of adobo immediately comes out of the screen, followed by its recipe and ingredients.   

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Thai staff interprets to the visitors the Filipino myth shared by Cultural Officer, Edith Mallillin,  that the banana heart contains mystical powers of “anting-anting” which can be received from the sap that falls from the banana heart at midnight during full moon.

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BKK PE’s Cultural Officer, Edith Mallillin with Ms. DaruneeThamapodol, Director for International Relations Bureau, Ministry of Culture