Basic Facts
Land Area: 300,000 sq. km. (archipelago of 7,100 islands)
Coastline: 36,289 kilometers
Geography: Three main island groups: Luzon , Visayas & Mindanao
Capital: Manila (Land area – 38.3 sq. km)
Political System:
The 1987 Constitution provides for a presidential system of government with a bicameral parliament and three (3) equal branches: executive, legislative and judiciary.
Population: 76.5 million (as of May 1, 2000)
Projected Population: 85.2 million (2005)
Population Density: 255 persons/sq. km. (as of May 1, 2000)
Population Growth Rate: 2.36% (1995 – 2000)
Labor Force Participation Rate: 64.8 (October 2005)
Employment Rate: 92.6 (October 2005)
Literacy Rate: 94.6% of total population – among the highest in the world
Number of Graduates Annually: Secondary school, over one million, college level, 350,000
Languages Spoken: Filipino, English and other regional dialects
Ethnic Profile: Christian Malay 91.5%, Muslim Malay 4%, Chinese 1.5%, others 3%
Major Religion: 85% are Roman Catholics, the rest are Protestants and Muslims
Tropical with temperatures ranging from 23-32 °C. Two distinct seasons: Wet (June to October) & Dry (November to May)
Currency Unit: Philippine Peso
Business Hours:
0800-1700 (Private/Gov’t Offices)
0900-1500 (Banks)
1000-2000 (Stores/Malls)
Time Zone: GMT +8 hrs.
Average Flying Hours:
Tokyo 3:35
Hong Kong 1:20
Jakarta 4:25
Kuala Lumpur 3:30
Paris 16:40
New York 17:30
Singapore 3:00
Sydney 7:40
Shanghai 2:20
Seoul 4:00
San Francisco 11:50
Frankfurt 13:00
Taipei 1:20
Bangkok 3:00
Brunei 2:30
Viet Nam 2:30
Brussels 14:16
London 14:00
GNP: 5.7% (2005)
GDP: 5.1% (2005)
Inflation: 7.7% (2005)
Exports: US$ 37.4 Billion (January to November 2005)
Imports: US$ 40.9 Billion (January to November 2005)
Principal Exports: Semi-Conductors and Electronic Microcircuits; Garments; Finished Electrical Machinery; Crude Coconut Oil
Principal Markets: USA , Japan , Hong Kong , Taiwan , Malaysia , Singapore, China , Germany