The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok participated in the Exhibition and Trade Fair entitled “ASEAN and Dialogue Partners” held on 8 August 2016 at the lobby of the Office of the Attorney General, Government Complex. The event was organized by the ASEAN Community Missions Center and Technical Affairs Department of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Thailand to disseminate knowledge on ASEAN and ASEAN Dialogue Partners to the OAG’s employees and the general public, and to build relationships with embassies of ASEAN Member States and ASEAN Dialogue Partners in Thailand.
The Philippine booth featured cultural displays, tourism materials and Philippine products with participation from the Philippine Department of Tourism, Chef Tony’s Popcorn and Thai Liwayway. Thailand, Indonesia, France, India, Russia and the United States of America were also represented in the event.
Deputy Attorney General Khemchai Chutiwong (center), Mr. Jumpon Phansumrit, Executive Director of International Affairs Division 3 and ASEAN Community Missions Center (leftmost), with Third Secretary Anna Marie C. Santos (third from left), members of the diplomatic corps and other Thai officials during the opening ceremony.
Left: The Philippine booth, Right: Third Secretary Anna Marie C. Santos (third from left) with other embassy personnel, representatives from the Department of Tourism’s Marketing Team and Chef Tony’s Popcorn.