The Philippine Embassy celebrated with the Filipino community the 118th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence through the annual Barrio Fiesta at the Embassy grounds on 12 June 2016.
The event was organized by six Filipino community organizations, namely, the Association of Filipinos in Thailand (AFT), Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM), Philippine-Thailand Business Club (PTBC), Tau Gamma Phi Thailand Council (TGP), United Filipinos in Thailand (UFT) and Virgin of Peñafrancia Association (VOPA), and several individual Filipino volunteers.
H.E. Ambassador Mary Jo A. Bernardo-Aragon breaks the “palayok” (clay pot) to formally open Barrio Fiesta 2016 while members of the Filipino community cheer on.
Scenes at Barrio Fiesta 2016 showing the spirit of patriotism, family, camaraderie and togetherness of Filipinos and friends in Thailand as they celebrate Kalayaan 2016.
Photo credits: Philippine Embassy in Bangkok, Pinoy Thaiyo, Ms. Olivia Gee and Ms. Persia Sethabutr.