His Eminence, Most Reverend Peter Bryan Wells, Apostolic Nuncio to Thailand, leads the faithful during the first day of Misa de Gallo at Holy Redeemer Church, Bangkok
BANGKOK, 16 DECEMBER 2024 - The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok joyfully marked the beginning of the cherished Filipino Christmas tradition, Misa de Gallo or Simbang Gabi, on Monday, 16 December 2024, at the Holy Redeemer Church. This annual event, sponsored by the Embassy, brings together the Filipino community and friends of the Philippines in a celebration of unity and faith during the festive season.
His Eminence, Most Reverend Peter Bryan Wells, Apostolic Nuncio to Thailand, graciously accepted the invitation to officiate the mass. Joining him in concelebration were Rev. Monsignor Daniel Tumiel, Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature; Rev. Fr. Joseph Prud Thipthong, CSsr, Pastor at the Holy Redeemer Church; and Rev. Fr. Joseph Thanapong Sawangtummakul, CSsR. Their presence enriched the solemnity of the occasion, underscoring the enduring ties between the Catholic faithful from the Philippines and Thailand.
Following the mass, the Embassy shared the warmth of Filipino hospitality by serving packed Filipino breakfast to all attendees. This gesture of sharing further highlighted the sense of community and celebration that defines this yearly tradition.
The Philippine Embassy expresses its gratitude to the Holy Redeemer Church for hosting the event, and to the Filipino community for their unwavering participation. As Misa de Gallo continues throughout the nine-day novena, the Embassy invites everyone to join in this treasured tradition that not only reflects Filipino values, but also carries the Advent message of hope, peace, joy and love. END
Ambassador Millicent Cruz Paredes is joined by (from left to right) Rev. Fr. Joseph Prud Thipthong, CSsr, Rev. Monsignor Daniel Tumiel, Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature, and His Excellency Archbishop Peter Bryan Wells before the celebration of Misa de Gallo
Contributing to the Celebration, Martin Julius Perez lights the Advent Candles, Consul Beatriz Ines Herrera-Davila delivers the First Reading, Raphael D. Torralba offers a basket of fruits Vice Consul Susan Phoebe Sabado leads the Prayer of the Faithful during the Misa de Gallo
Ambassador Paredes delivers her heartfelt message to the congregation after the mass, highlighting faith, hope and community
A joyful moment captured at the conclusion of the first day of Misa de Gallo
Mass-goers lined up for breakfast, enjoying a Filipino tradition of hospitality following the Misa de Gallo
The Bangkok PE team worked together to ensure the successful hosting of the first day of Misa de Gallo