Philippine Ambassador Millicent Cruz Paredes and Bangkok Governor Chadchart during the courtesy call on 18 March 2024


BANGKOK, 19 MARCH 2024 - H.E. Millicent Cruz Paredes paid a courtesy call on Governor Chadchart Sittipunt at the Bangkok City Call on 18 March 2024. The call is a follow through of their meeting and the Governor’s visit at the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok on 10 October 2023.

Ambassador Paredes and Governor Chadchart discussed several matters such as the welfare of overseas Filipinos in Thailand, including the welfare of Filipino teachers employed by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in schools in Bangkok. They also had a fruitful discussion on initiatives which the Embassy could jointly undertake with the BMA under the milestone 75th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the diplomatic relations of the Philippines and Thailand in 2024. The Governor also said that he looks forward to taking part in the various commemorative activities that are lined up for the year.

Governor Chadchart expressed his appreciation for the valuable contribution to the Bangkok educational system of Filipino teachers, whom he treats as “part of our BMA team.” Per the latest figures, the BMA employs at least 398 Filipino school teachers teaching English subjects.


(Photo credit: BMA)

During the call, Ambassador Paredes was joined by Deputy Chief of Mission and Consul General Edna May G. Lazaro, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Susan Phoebe R. Sabado, and Political Assistant and Attaché Rom Ubay. The Bangkok Governor was with his deputies: Deputy Governors Ms. Tavida Kamolvej, Mr. Wisanu Subsampon, and Mr. Sanon Wangrangboon.


Ambassador Millicent Cruz Paredes presenting a gift to Governor Chadchart Sittipunt (Photo credit: BMA)


Governor Chadchart Sittipunt presenting to Ambassador Millicent Cruz Paredes as gift a symbolic key to the City of Bangkok (Photo credit: BMA)

After the courtesy call, Governor Chadchart graciously hosted Ambassador Paredes and her team at his favorite Thai restaurant situated near the Bangkok City Hall. END.