12 MAY 2023, BANGKOK - Students of Philippine Contemporary History in Thammasat University visited the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok on Saturday, 22 April 2023.
To provide a contextual background to the visit, Dr. Piemsak Hongjamrassilp, full-time lecturer of the university’s Faculty of Liberal Arts, delivered a short lecture on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Thailand, including the history and provenance of the property that is now the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok. Third Secretary and Vice Consul Susan Phoebe R. Sabado gave a brief overview of the general functions and the day-to-day operations of the Embassy.
The students spent most of their time at the Sentro Rizal library perusing books and other materials about Dr. Jose P. Rizal, and Philippine history, politics and culture and then proceeded to a quick tour of the Embassy.
The event was a collaboration between the Embassy’s Cultural Section headed by Vice Consul Sabado and Cultural Attaché Evone Avril Manayao, and Dr. Piemsak through the Thammasat University’s Philippine Studies Program. END