Ref. No.: Advisory-BKPE-10-2023



The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok wishes to inform the concerned members of the Filipino Community in Thailand that pursuant to PRC Resolution No. 1567 (s. 2022), the Philippines’ Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has recently implemented a system linking oath-taking of new professionals with their registration to their profession. PRC has NOT yet operationalized this system for implementation in Philippine Foreign Service Posts, thus oath taking before Embassy officials, as practiced in the past, could not be conducted following the new system. Virtual/online oath taking before authorized PRC officials, as provided in PRC Resolution No. 1255 (s. 2020), is recommended at this time.

For LET passers based in Thailand:

  1. The new rules require new professionals/oath takers/inductees to create an account and register online at for the monitoring and confirmation of attendance during the actual oath taking ceremony. This system applies to face-to-face oath taking conducted in the Philippines, and online oath taking activities (in all locations).
  2. Upon completion of the online registration process, each oath taker/inductee shall be assigned a QR Code.
  3. The QR Codes shall be scanned on the day of the oath taking event. Once scanned/read, the QR Codes shall be automatically inputted in the PRC’s database.
  4. At the end of the oath taking activity, the Codes shall be scanned again which will prompt a tagging in the system (‘Attended”) indicating that the individual attended the oath taking ceremony.
  5. Only those who have been tagged “Attended” in the PRC’s database may be able to proceed with their registration as professionals.
  6. LET passers/ oath takers and other concerned parties in Thailand, who are requesting for the conduct of an online oath taking ceremony, are required to submit a letter to PRC’s Professional Regulatory Board Secretariat Division (D-SPRB). Concerned individuals and parties may email the PRB Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call  telephone number (+632) 8552-0010 for clarifications.
  7. It is the PRB Secretariat Division (D-SPRB) that will make arrangements for the oath taking schedule and other related protocols.
  8. The step-by-step guide for the registration online is available through the following link:
  9. The relevant PRC Resolutions may be accessed through the following links:

The Embassy respectfully reminds the Filipino Community in Thailand that the PRC is the Philippine government agency that is mandated to implement policies and regulations related to the licensing requirements of various professions and occupations under its official jurisdiction. Concerned parties are strongly encouraged to get official information directly from the agency through its website and the email address and contact details provided.