Ref. No.: Advisory-BKKPE-29-2022
The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok requests the concerned parties or watchers to submit by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. a short bio/CV and a 1x1 photo for the preparation of official IDs.
The Embassy reminds the accredited watchers of the following provisions of COMELEC Resolution No. 10751 promulgated on 12 January 2022:
Rights and Duties of Watchers
Upon entering the polling place, watchers shall present and deliver to the Chairperson of the SBEI their appointments. The appointment of watchers shall bear the personal or facsimile signature of the candidate or the duly authorized representative of the political party, organization or coalition of parties who appointed them or of organizations authorized by the Commission.
Watchers shall have the right to:
- Witness and inform themselves of the proceedings of the SBEI;
- Take note of what they see or hear;
- Take photographs of the proceedings and incidents, if any, during the counting of votes, as well as of the election returns, tally boards and ballot boxes/ receptacles;
- File a protest against any irregularity or violation of law which they believe may have been committed by the SBEI or by any of its members or by any person;
- Obtain from the SBEI a certificate as to the filling of such protest and/or resolution thereon;
- Read each ballot after it is read by the Chairperson, as well as the election returns after it is accomplished and signed by the members of the SBEI without touching such documents; and
- Be furnished, upon request, with a Certificate of Votes (OVF No. 13) cast for the candidates, duly signed and thumb marked by the Chairperson and all members of the SBEI.
Watchers shall not speak to any member of the SBEI, or to any voter, or among themselves, in such a manner as would disturb the proceedings of the SBEI.
Watchers shall observe the minimum health and safety protocols imposed by the host country.
For information and guidance.