Ref. No.: Advisory-BKKPE-25-2022

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  1. When is the voting period for the 2022 Philippine National Election in Thailand?

The period for Overseas Voting in Thailand is for thirty (30) continuous calendar days from 8:00 AM (Bangkok Time) on 10 April 2022 (Sunday) until 6:00PM (Bangkok time) on 09 May 2022 (Monday), inclusive of weekends and all Philippine and Thai holidays.

From 11 April 2022 to 09 May 2022, the Embassy will administer the voting process from 9:00AM until 6:00PM with no noon break.

  1. Who are allowed to vote?

All registered overseas voters whose names appear on the Certified List of Overseas Voters (CLOV), for purposes of the 09 May 2022 National and Local Elections, and those who fall under Article IV, Section 16 (Voting Privilege of Members of SBEI/SBRCG) of this Resolution, may vote for the President, Vice-President, Senators and any one (1) accredited party/organization or coalition participating under the partylist system of representation.

  1. How do I know if I am a registered voter in Thailand?

The Certified List of Overseas Voters (CLOV) in Thailand and the CLOV of Seafarers are available on the website of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC).

You may check your name through the links below:

Certified List of Overseas Voters in Thailand (Landbased) 

Certified List of Overseas Voters (Seafarers):

  1. What if my name has changed due to marriage or if my name is incorrectly spelled in the CLOV?

You may contact the COMELEC Office of Overseas Voting by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cc

  1. How does COMELEC decide on which voter records to deactivate?

COMELEC deactivates the records of registered voters who failed to vote in  

  1. What is the mode of voting and counting for overseas voting in Thailand?

Per COMELEC Minute Resolution No. 21-1356 dated 01 December 2021, the mode of voting for Thailand is postal voting, while counting of votes will be through the Automated Election System (AES) using a Vote Counting Machine (VCM).

Postal voting refers to “a mode of voting where mailing packets, containing the official ballots and voting instructions, are sent to the voters through postal service or picked up by the voters themselves from the Post or such other voting areas designated by the Commission. After filling out the ballots, the voters shall send the accomplished ballot in the provided envelope back to the Post via mail or in person through the drop box provided by the Post specifically for such purpose.” (COMELEC Res. 10751, 2022)

Republic Act No. 9369 s. 2007 defines the Automatic Election System or AES as “a system using appropriate technology which has been demonstrated in the voting, counting, consolidating, canvassing, and transmission of election results, and other electoral processes.”

  1. Can I go to the Embassy to claim and drop off my ballot without an appointment?

Only those who have indicated to pick up their ballots at Bangkok PE are allowed to claim and drop off their accomplished ballots at the Embassy. While prior appointment is not mandatory, advance notice from voters would be most helpful for crowd management and the proper implementation of public health protocols, including through the wearing of masks and the observance of physical distancing.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: All eligible voters claiming and dropping off their ballots at the Embassy are highly encouraged to do so as early as possible and not to wait for the last day of the voting period in order to avoid a long wait and crowding at the Embassy.

  1. When should I mail back my accomplished ballot to the Embassy?

Those who have provided their mailing addresses will receive their mailing packets through registered mail. Accomplished ballots should be mailed back to the Embassy no later than 02 May 2022 to make sure that they are received before the closing of the voting period at 6:00PM (Bangkok time) on 09 May 2022.

Voters are reminded to carefully follow the instructions provided in the mailing packet and to exercise extra care when handling the ballots. Ballots which are crumpled, torn, mutilated, or damaged will be deemed as spoiled ballots and will not be counted.

  1. What do I need to be able to vote in the 2022 National Elections?

Voters claiming their ballots at the Embassy will be required to present their original valid Philippine passport or seafarers’ book (if applicable).

Those who will receive their ballots by registered mail are reminded to ensure that the signature they affix on the ballot is the same signature they used during the voter registration.

  1. I moved to a new address after the 14 October 2021 deadline for overseas registration. How do I update my mailing address?

You may update your mailing address through the following link:

The link will be available only until 01 April 2022. Mailing packets containing the ballots and instructions (except for those who have indicated to pick up their ballots at the Embassy) will be sent to the registered mailing addresses.

  1. Can I personally bring my ballot to the Embassy instead of mailing it back?

Yes. Voters may personally drop off their ballots during the voting period and service hours at the designated drop box (see item no. 1). There is no need for a prior appointment to drop off the accomplished ballot.

The Embassy does not issue any acknowledgment of the ballots dropped off at the Embassy.

  1. If I am not personally able to drop off my accomplished ballot, can I ask someone else to submit it for me?

Yes. The Embassy does not issue any acknowledgement for ballots which will be dropped off at the designated drop box.

  1. Can I drop off my accomplished ballot when I go to a consular outreach mission during the voting period?

Yes. Voters who wish to drop off their accomplished ballots during the consular outreach missions scheduled in April 2022 may do so through the official drop box to be provided by the Embassy.

Please follow this link to check the dates of the consular outreach missions in April 2022:

  1. How do I know if the ballot I mailed was received by the Embassy?

You may track the delivery of your mailed-in ballot using the tracking number provided by the service provider.

  1. When is the actual canvassing or counting of votes at the Philippine Embassy?

The votes cast by overseas voters in Thailand will be counted through an Automated Election System (AES) using a Vote Counting Machine (VCM). In accordance with the guidelines provided under Sec. 65 of COMELEC Resolution 10751, ballot feeding/counting is scheduled on April 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 and May 2-9, at 9:00AM at the designated area of the Embassy.

  1. Are poll watchers allowed to witness the counting of votes?

Poll watchers are permitted to witness and be informed of the proceedings of the Special Board of Election Inspectors (SBEI) subject to applicable COMELEC guidelines.

The nomination process, qualifications, and the rights and duties of poll watchers are detailed in Article V of COMELEC Resolution 10751.


For OV-related information and updates, please follow this link:

For OV-related queries and concerns, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +66 89 926 5954.