Ref. No.: Advisory-BKKPE-61-2021

The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand informs the general public of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID) Resolution No. 144-A dated 14 October 2021, which streamlines the testing and quarantine protocols for arriving international passengers in all ports of entry in the Philippines effective 16-31 October 2021.

I.             The protocols for travelers coming from Thailand and all “Yellow” List countries/territories/jurisdictions, in all ports of entry in the Philippines shall be as follows:

a.    Fully vaccinated individuals coming from “Yellow” List countries/territories/jurisdictions need to undergo facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR testing taken on the fifth (5th) day. After which, they shall be required to undergo home quarantine until their tenth (10th) day, with the day of arrival being the first day. The BOQ shall ensure strict symptom monitoring while in the facility. Foreign nationals shall be required to secure their own pre-booked accommodation of at least six (6) days.

b.    Unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or individuals whose vaccination status cannot be independently verified/confirmed by Philippine authorities as valid and authentic coming from “Yellow” List countries/territories/jurisdictions shall be required to undergo facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR testing taken on the seventh (7th) day. After which, they shall be required to undergo home quarantine until their fourteenth (14th) day, with the day of arrival being the first day. The BOQ shall ensure strict symptom monitoring while in the facility. Foreign nationals shall be required to secure their own pre-booked accommodation of at least eight (8) days.

      II.             For purposes of validating vaccination status, the following shall be observed:


Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their spouse, parent/s, and/or children traveling with them vaccinated in the Philippines or abroad;

Non-OFWs vaccinated in the Philippines or abroad; and

Foreigners vaccinated in the Philippines

Foreigner nationals vaccinated abroad

If vaccinated in the Philippines:

VaxCertPH digital vaccination certificate


Philippine Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ)-issued International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICV)

If vaccinated outside the Philippines:

National/state digital certificate of the foreign government where they were vaccinated, which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement unless otherwise permitted by the IATF

IMPORTANT: The Philippine Bureau of Quarantine accepts Thailand’s COVID-19 Certificate of Vaccination (yellow-colored Vaccine Passport). You may check the following websites for information on how to request for a vaccine passport for COVID-19 vaccination administered in Thailand:


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